Publications in WOS and SCOPUS-indexed journals in 2017-2021
- Pamirsky I.E., Klykov A.G., Murugova G.A., Golokhvast K.S. Silica biominerals (Phytolith) compound of cultured barley plants (Hordeum vulgare). IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2017;225:konf. 1. Available from:
- Ilyushko M.V., Skaptsov M.V., Romashova M.V. Nuclear DNA content in rice (Oryza sativa) regenerants derived from anther culture in vitro. Agricultural Biology. 2018;53(3):531-538. Available from: DOI: 10.15389/agrobiology.2018.3.531ru.
- Yuferova A.A., Sakharova O.V., Smol’yanikov V.A., Zhivchikova R.I. Investigation of the toxicity and relative nutrient bioavailability of Lespedeza bicolor and products on its basis. Izvestiya Vuzov. Prikladnaya Khimiya i Biotekhnologiya. 2018;3(26):147-152. Available from: DOI: 21285/2227-2925-2018-8-3-147-152.
- Zorikova O.G., Manyakhin A.YU., Borovaya S.A., Railko S.P. Sezonnaya dinamika soderzhaniya polisakharidov v syr’e Reynoutria japonica [Seasonal dynamics of the content of polysaccharides in the raw plant material of Reynoutria japonica]. Khimiya rastitel’nogo syr’ya. 2018;(3):33-39. Available from: DOI: 10.14258/jcprm.2018033777.
- Zhupley I., Potenko T., Gubarkov S., Tretyak N., Grafov R. Structural shifts and reform of the agrarian sector of the Russian economy under the conditions of the import substitution policy. Space and Culture. 2018;6(4):25-35. Available from: DOI:
- Zhupley I.V., Potenko T.A., Gubarkov S.V., Tretyak N.A., Grafov R.A. Structural shifts and reforms for import substitution: the case of the Russian agrarian sector. J. Econ. Business Admin. 2018;6(2):56-67/ Available from: DOI:
- Pamirsky I.E., Klykov A.G., Zakharenko A.M., Golokhvast K.S. First data on the differences of phytolite composition in different wheat varieties Triticumaesticum. Key Engineering Materials. 2019;(806):155-160. Available from: DOI: 10.4028/
- Korobushkin I., Gongalsky K.B., Gorbunova A.Yu., Palatov D.M., Shekhovtsov S.V., Tanasevitch A.V., Volkova J.S., Chimidov S.N., Dedova E.B., Ladatko V.A., Sunitskaya T.V., John K., Saifutdinov R.A., Zaitsev A.S. Mechanisms of soil macrofauna community sustainability in temperate rice-growing systems. Scientific Reports. 2019;9(1): article number 10197. Available from: DOI:
- Ilyushko M.V., Romashova M.V. Seasonality of androgenetic responses in the anther culture in vitro in rice (Oryza sativa). Agricultural Biology. 2019;54(3):557-565. Available from: DOI: 10.15389/agrobiology.2019.3.557rus.
- Murugova G.A., Pavlova N.A., Klykov A.G.Evaluation of adaptive properties of the spring barley varieties using mathematical analysis. In: Information Technologies and High-Performance Computing 2019 : Short Paper Proc. V Inter. Conf. Inform. Technol. and High-Perform. Computing (ITHPC-2019); September 16-19, 2019; Khabarovsk. 2019;2426:110-115. Available from:
- Klykov A.G., Anisimov M.M., Chaikina E.L., Shevchenko N.M., Parskaya N.S. Carbohydrate containing biopolymers derived from brown algae as promoters of growth, development and productivity of agricultural crops. J. Agr. Res. 2019;53(5):609-613. Available from DOI: 10.18805/IJARe.A-420.
- Volkovsky D.V., Fisenko P.V., Zhuravlev Yu. N. Variability of the mtDNA control region in the goose, Anser fabalis Latham 1787 in the Russian Far East. Zoologichesky zhurnal. 2019;98(12):1432-1442. Available from: DOI: 10.1134/S0044513419120134.
- Borovaya , Lukyanchuk L., Manyakhin A., Zorikova O. Effect of Reynoutria japonica extract upon germination and upon resistance of its seeds against phytopathogenic fungi Triticum aestivum L., Hordeum vulgare L., and Glycine max (L.) Merr. Org. Agr. 2020;10(1):89-95. Available from:
- Borovaya S.A., Klykov A.G. Some aspects of flavonoid biosynthesis and accumulation in buckwheat plants. Plant Biotechnol. Rep. 2020;14(2):213-225. Available from: DOI:
- Matsishina N.V., Sobko O.A., Didora A.S., Boginskaya N.G., Korneeva M.A., Fisenko P.V. Influence of the temperature and humidity on the development time of eggs and immature stages of Lygus pratensis(Linnaeus, 1758) (Heteroptera: Miridae) in Primorsky krai. Far Eastern Entomologist. 2020;413:15-19. Available from: DOI: 10.25221/fee.413.3.
- Ilyushko M.V., Romashova M.V., Zhang J.M., Deng L.W., Liu D.J., Zhang R., Guchenko S.S. Intra-callus variability of rice doubled haploids generated through in vitro. Agricultural biology. 2020;55(3):533-543. Available from: DOI: 10.15389/agrobiology.2020.3.533rus.
- Kim I.V., Volkov D.I., Klykov A.G. The study of bioresource collection of potato (Solanum Tuberosum) in the conditions of Primorsky Krai. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2020;547(1): article number 012013. Available from, DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/547/1/012013.
- Zhupley I.V., Potenko T.A. Challenges to agriculture in the Russian Far East: lessons from crises. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2020;547(1): article number 012048. Available from:, DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/547/1/012048.
- Potenko Т.А., Zhupley I.V., Schmidt Y.I., Kvashko L.P. Agricultural policy and import substitution opportunities in the Russian Far East. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. – 2020;548(1): article number 012048. Available from:, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/548/2/022011.
- Chekushkina T.N., Fisenko P.V., Kim I.V., Raifegerst T.R. Identification of genetic markers of resistance to potato virus Y and golden potato cyct nematode in promising potato varieties by means of PCR. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 22020;548(4): article number 042028. Available from:, DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/548/4/042028.
- Klykov A.G., Murugova G.A., Bogdan P.M., Konovalova I.V., Timoshinova O.A., Kryuchkova N.A. Use of genetic resources in white straw and cereal crops breeding in the monsoon climate. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2020;548(6): article number 062014. Available from:, DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/548/6/062014.
- Vasilieva N.V., Tsoy Z.V. Untraditional feeds influencing on poultry growth. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2020;548(7): article number 072007. Available from:, DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/548/7/072007.
- Kim I., Barsukova E., Fisenko P., Chekushkina T., Chibizova A., Volkov D., Klykov A. Applying methods of replication and recovery of potato microplants (Solanum tuberosum) in seed production. E3S Web of Conferences. 2020;203: article number 02003. Available from: DOI:
- Kim I.V., Volkov D.I., Zakharenko V.M., Zakharenko A.M., Golokhvast K.S., Klykov A.G. Composition and quantification of antocians in healthy-diet potato (Solanum tuberosum) varieties for growing and selection in the Russian Far East. Agricultural biology. 2020:55(5):995-1003. Available from: DOI: 10.15389/agrobiology.2020.5.995rus.
- Rostovskaya M.F., Boyarova M.D., Klykov A.G. Effect of various barley steeping conditions on the content of albuminous substances in the malt. Food Processing: Techniques and Technology. 2020;50(2):319-328. Available from: DOI: 10.21603/2074-9414-2020-2-319-328.
- Volkovsky D.V., Fisenko P.V., Zhuravlev Y.N. Variability of the mtDNA control region in the bean goose, Anser fabalis Latham 1787, in the Russian Far East. Biol. Bull. 2020;47(7):782-790. Available from: DOI:
- Yi F., Gudaj R.T., Arefieva V., Mishchuk S., Potenko T.A., Yanbykh R., Zhou J., Zuenko I. How Chinese agricultural immigrants affect farmers in the Russian Far East. J. Econ. Sociol. 2020;79(5):1387-1415. Available from: DOI:
- Gudaj R.T., Yi F., Mishchuk S., Potenko T.A., Zuenko I., Lerman Z. Impact of Chinese agribusiness entrepreneurs on the local land market in the Russian Far East. A J. Econ. Sociol. 2020;79(5):1417-1454. Available from: DOI:
- Yi F., Gudaj R.T., Arefieva V., Yanbykh R., Mishchuk S., Potenko T.A., Zhou J., Zuenko I. Chinese migrant farmers in the Russian Far East: impact on rural labor markets. J. Econ. Sociol. 2020;79(5):1455-1482. Available from: DOI:
- Yi F., Gudaj R.T., Arefieva V., Yanbykh R., Mishchuk S., Potenko T.A., Zhou J., Zuenko I. Chinese technology transfer to local farmers in the Russian Far East. J. Econ. Sociol. 2020;79(5):1483-1509. Available from: DOI:
- Gudaj R.T., Yi F., Arefieva V., Yanbykh R., Mishchuk S., Potenko T.A., Zhou J., Zuenko I. Chinese farmers in the Russian Far East and local rural development. Am. J. Econ. Sociol. 2020;79(5):1511-1551. Available from: DOI:
- Yi F., Gudaj R.T., Arefieva V., Yanbykh R., Mishchuk S., Potenko T.A., Zhou J., Zuenko I. Sino-Russian cooperation on soybean development in the Russian Far East. J. Econ. Sociol. 2020:79(5):1553-1556. Available from: DOI:
- Yi F., Kenina D., Gudaj R.T., Arefieva V., Yanbykh R., Mishchuk S., Potenko T.A., Zhou J., Zuenko I. Perceived differences: Chinese and Russian farmers on business, law, management, and environment. J. Econ. Sociol. 2020;79(5):1587-1614. Available from: DOI:
- Timofeeva Y., Purtova L., Emelyanov A., Burdukovskii M., Kiseleva I., Sidorenko M. Contents, distribution, and fractionation of soil organic carbon and trace elements in soils under a green manure application. Soil and Water Research. 2021;16(1):50-58. Available from: DOI:
- Veremeichik G.N., Grigorchuk V.P., Butovets E.S., Lukyanchuk L.M., Brodovskaya E.V., Bulgakov D.V., Bulgakov V.P. Isoflavonoid biosynthesis in cultivated and wild soybeans grown in the field under adverse climate conditions. Food Chemistry. 2021;342: article number 128292. Available from: DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.128292.
- Klykov A. G., Utkina N. K., Chaikina E. L., Murugova G. A. Alkaloids from the sea sponges as stimulants of growth, development and productivity of agricultural plants. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021;663: article number 012054. Available from: DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/663/1/012054,
- Kim I.V., Chibizova A.S., Shischenko E.V., Fisenko P.V., Chekushkina T.N., Barsukova E.N., Volkov D.I., Klykov A.G. Methods of biotechnology in the improvement of promising potato hybrids (Solanum tuberosum). Research on Crops. 2021:22(Special Is.):96-99. Available from: DOI: 10.31830/2348-7542.2021.023.
- Berezhnaya V. V., Kushayeva E. J., Timoshinov R. V., Klykov A. G. Changes in the fertility of meadow-brown bleached soil with long-term use of different fertilizer systems. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021;677(4): article number 042049. Available from: DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/677/4/042049.
- Lyude A., Boiarskii B., Matsishina N., Fisenko P., Emelianov A., Hasegawa H. Climate change impact on extreme flood occurrence and flood-related damage to the Primorye region agriculture. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021;677(5): article number 052028. Available from: DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/677/5/052028.
- Sobko O. А., Matsishina N. V., Fisenko P. V., Kim I. V., Didora A. S., Boginskay N. G., Volkov D. I. Viruses in the agrobiocenosis of the potato fields. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021;677(5): article number 052093. Available from: DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/677/5/052093.
- Sidorenko M.L., Sleptsova N.A., Bykovskaya A.N., Berezhnaya V.V., Klykov A.G. Effects of nitrogen-fixing and phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms from the far east agricultural soils on the cereal seed germination. Agricultural biology. 2021:56(1):146-157. Available from: DOI: 10.15389/agrobiology.2021.1.146rus.
- Vasileva N. V., Tsoy Z. V., Nikulin Yu. P., Nikulina O. A. Effect of feed additions marine and plant origin on growth of poultry. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021;723(2): article number 022001. Available from: DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/723/2/022001.
- Matsishina N. V., Sobko O. A., Fisenko P. V., Murugova G. A., Bogdan P. M., Klykov A. G. Varietal preferences of Rhopalosiphum padi Linnaeus, 1758 in the Far East South. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021;723(2): article number 022004. Available from: DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/723/2/022004.
- Ivanova E. P., Skalozub O. M. Variety and microbial nitrogen-fixing preparations in the yield formation of variegated alfalfa. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021;723(2): article number 022032. Available from: DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/723/2/022032.
- Matsishina N.V., Volkov D.I., Fisenko P.V., Boginskaya N.G., Sobko O.A., Gisuk A.A. White rust Albugo candida(Pers.) Kuntze, 1797 in horseradish crops (Armoracia rusticana Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb., 1800) in the south of the Far East and measures to control it. Ind. J. Agr. Res. 2021;55(3):281-288. Available from: DOI: 10.18805/IJARe.A-594.
- Matsishina N. V., Fisenko P. V., Sobko O. A., Volkov D. I., Kim I.V. Morphological abnormalities of the 28-punctata potato ladybug Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata (Motschulsky, 1857) when feeding on potato varie-ties of various origins. In: AIP Conf. Proc. “Modern synthetic methodologies for creating drugs and functional materials (MOSM2020)” : Proc. IV Inter. Conf.; November 16-20, 2020; Yekaterinburg. 2021;2388: article number Available from: DOI:
- Bogdan P. M., Konovalova I. V., Klykov A. G. Evaluation of the parameters of adaptivity of soft and hard wheat varieties using methods of mathematical analysis. In: AIP Conf. Proc. “Modern synthetic methodologies for creating drugs and func-tional materials (MOSM2020)” : Proc. IV Inter. Conf.; November, 16-20, 2020; Yekaterinburg. 2021;2388: article number 030022. Available from: DOI:
- Bezmutko S., Vyborova T., Lelyavskaya V. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the fungicide comissar against rice Pyricularia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021;937(2): article number 022135. Available from: DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/937/2/022135.
Other publications in 2020-2021
- Yi F., Gudaj R.T., Arefieva V., Mishchuk S., Potenko T.A., Yanbykh R., Zhou J., Zuenko I. How Chinese agricultural immigrants affect farmers in the Russian Far East. Am. J. Econ. Sociol. 2020;79(5):1387-1415. Available from:
- Gudaj R.T., Yi F., Mishchuk S., Potenko T.A., Zuenko I., Lerman Z. Impact of Chinese agribusiness entrepreneurs on the local land market in the Russian Far East. Am. J. Econ. Sociol. 2020;79(5):1417-1454. Available from:
- Yi F., Gudaj R.T., Arefieva V., Yanbykh R., Mishchuk S., Potenko T.A., Zhou J., Zuenko I. Chinese migrant farmers in the Russian Far East: impact on rural labor markets. Am. J. Econ. Sociol. 2020;79(5):1455-1482. Available from:
- Yi F., Gudaj R.T., Arefieva V., Yanbykh R., Mishchuk S., Potenko T.A., Zhou J., Zuenko I. Chinese technology transfer to local farmers in the Russian Far East. Am. J. Econ. Sociol. 2020;79(5):1483-1509. Available from:
- Gudaj R.T., Yi F., Arefieva V., Yanbykh R., Mishchuk S., Potenko T.A., Zhou J., Zuenko I. Chinese farmers in the Russian Far East and local rural development. Am. J. Econ. Sociol. 2020;79(5):1511-1551. Available from:
- Yi F., Gudaj T., Arefieva V., Yanbykh R., Mishchuk S., Potenko T.A., Zhou J., Zuenko I. Sino-Russian cooperation on soybean development in the Russian Far East. Am. J. Econ. Sociol. 2020;79(5):1553-1556. Available from:
- Yi F., Kenina D., Gudaj T., Arefieva V., Yanbykh R., Mishchuk S., Potenko T.A., Zhou J., Zuenko I. Perceived differences: Chinese and Russian farmers on business, law, management, and environment. Am. J. Econ. Sociol. 2020;79(5):1587-1614. Available from:
- Timofeeva Y., Purtova L., Emelyanov A., Burdukovskii M., Kiseleva I., Sidorenko M. Contents, distribution, and fractionation of soil organic carbon and trace elements in soils under a green manure application. Soil and Water Research. 2021;16(1):50-58. Available from: WoS, Scopus, eid=2-s2.0-85104314373.
- Veremeichik G.N., Grigorchuk V.P., Butovets E.S., Lukyanchuk L.M., Brodovskaya E.V., Bulgakov D.V., Bulgakov V.P. Isoflavonoid biosynthesis in cultivated and wild soybeans grown in the field under adverse climate conditions. Food Chemistry. 2021;342: article number 128292. Available from: DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.128292.
- Konishcheva A.V., Klochkova N.L. Forest protection strips, their role in conservation fertility, types and purpose. In: World science: problems and innovations : International scientific and practical conference; January 30, 2021; Penza. Penza: Nauka i Prosveshchenie; 2021.
- Telichko O.N. Competitive testing of spring vetch in the conditions of Primorsky krai. In: Proceedings of the 34th international scientific and practical conference “Advances in Science and Technology”; January 31, 2021; Moscow. Moscow: Aktualnost RF; 2021.
- Kryuchkova N. A., Murugova G. A., Klykov A. G. The heterosis value of economically valuable traits in the multi-row hybrids F1 of spring barley obtained by saturating crossings. Grain Economy of Russia. 2021;(1):26-30. Available from:
- Klykov A.G., Utkina N.K., Chaikina E.L., Murugova G.A. Alkaloids from the sea sponges as stimulants of growth, development and productivity of agricultural plants. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021;663: article number 012054. Available from: doi:10.1088/1755-1315/663/1/012054, URL:
- Bogdan P.M., Konovalova I.V., Klykov A.G. Influence of abiotic factors on yield and grain quality of spring common wheat under conditions of the Primorsky territory. Achievements of Science and Technology of AIC. 2021;35(1):16-20. Available from: DOI: 10.24411/0235-2451-2021-10103.
- Kim I.V.,Chibizova A.S., Shischenko E.V., Fisenko P.V., Chekushkina T.N., Barsukova E.N., Volkov D.I., Klykov A.G. Methods of biotechnology in the improvement of promising potato hybrids (Solanum tuberosum). Research on Crops. 2021;22(special is.):96-99. Available from: DOI : 10.31830/2348-7542.2021.023.
- Berezhnaya V.V., Kushayeva E.J., Timoshinov R.V., Klykov A.G. Changes in the fertility of meadow-brown bleached soil with long-term use of different fertilizer systems. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021;677(4): article number 042049. Available from: DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/677/4/042049.
- Lyude A., Boiarskii B., Matsishina N., Fisenko P., Emelianov A., Hasegawa H. Climate change impact on extreme flood occurrence and flood-related damage to the Primorye Region agriculture. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021;677(5): article number 052028. Available from: DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/677/5/052028.
- Sobko O.А., Matsishina N.V., Fisenko P.V., Kim I.V., Didora A.S., Boginskay N.G., Volkov D.I. Viruses in the agrobiocenosis of the potato fields. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021;677(5): article number 052093. Available from: DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/677/5/052093.
- Sidorenko M.L., Sleptsova N.A., Bykovskaya A.N., Berezhnaya V.V., Klykov A.G. Effects of nitrogen-fixing and phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms from the Far East agricultural soils on the cereal seed germination. Agricultural biology. 2021;;56(1):146-157. Available from: DOI: 10.15389/agrobiology.2021.1.146rus.
- Volkov D.I., Kim I.V., Gisyuk A.A., Klykov A.G. Evaluation of potato tubers of the reducing sugar content and keeping quality. Dal’nevostochnyi agrarnyi vestnik. 2021;1(57):5-13. Available from: DOI: 10.24412/1999-6837-2021-1-5-13.
- Tsoy Z.V., Vasil’eva N.V. Influence of local feed supplements on the growth of young laying hens in Primorsky region. Dal’nevostochnyi agrarnyi vestnik. 2021;1(57):44-50. Available from: DOI: 10.24412/1999-6837-2021-1-44-50.
- Tsoy Z.V., Vasil’eva N.V. Digestibility of untraditional feed complex of marine and plant origin. Izvestia Orenburg State Agrarian University. 2021;1(87):291-293. Available from: DOI: 10.37670/2073-0853-2021-87-1-291-294.
- Tsoy Z.V., Vasil’eva N.V. Influence of non-traditional feed additives on the egg productivity of laying hens in the conditions of the Primorsky region. The Bulletin of KrasGAU. 2021;2:118-122. Available from: DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-2-118-122.
- Tsoy Z.V., Vasil’eva N.V. Use of fish feed complex and pine cone husks in the diets of young laying hens in the Primorsky region. The Bulletin of KrasGAU. 2021;3:93-96. Available from: DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-3-93-96.
- Tsoy Z.V., Vasil’eva N.V. Influence of non-traditional feed additives on the egg productivity of laying hens in the conditions of the Primorsky region. Bulletin of Altai State Agricultural University. 2021;2(196):91-95.
- Tsoy Z.V., Vasil’eva N.V. Digestibility of nutrients when using non-traditional feed supplements in poultry farming. Bulletin of Altai State Agricultural University. 2021;3(197):87-91.
- Tsoy Z.V., Vasil’eva N.V. Nonconventional feed additives for chickens. Animal Husbandry of Russia. 2021;2:16,19-20. Available from: DOI: 10.25701/ZZR.2020.64.72.0.
- Vasileva N.V., Tsoy Z.V., Nikulin Yu.P., Nikulina O.A. Effect of feed additions marine and plant origin on growth of poultry. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021;723(2): article number 022001. Available from: DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/723/2/022001.
- Matsishina N.V., Sobko O.A., Fisenko P.V., Murugova G.A.,Bogdan P.M., Klykov A.G. Varietal preferences of Rhopalosiphum padi Linnaeus, 1758 in the Far East South. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021;723(2): article number 022004. Available from: DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/723/2/022004.
- Ivanova E.P., Skalozub O.M. Variety and microbial nitrogen-fixing preparations in the yield formation of variegated alfalfa. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021;723(2): article number 022032. Available from: DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/723/2/022032.
- Berezhnaya V.V., Klykov A.G., Sidorenko M.L., Sleptsova N.A., Timofeeva Ya.O. Use of microbial strains to increase yields of spring soft wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Russian Agricultural Sciences. 2021;47(1): 1-5. Available from:
- Ilyushko M.V., Guchenko S.S., Romashova M.V. Intracallus and intercallus morphological variability of rice doubled haploids obtained in in vitro androgenesis. Russian Agricultural Sciences. 2021;47(1):11-16. Available from:
- Ilyushko M.V. Solanum retroflexum in Primorsky krai. Agrarian Russia. 2021;(4):21-24. Available from: DOI: 10.30906/1999-5636-2021-4-21-24.
- Ilyushko M.V., Romashova M.V. Effect of light intensity and quality on rice Oryza sativa L. regeneration from callus, generated through in vitro androgenesis. Rossiiskaya sel’skokhozyaistvennaya nauka. 2021;3:41-45. Available from: DOI: 10.31857/S250026272103008X.
- Telichko O.N. Inheritance of productivity traits in first and second generations of the common vetch hybrids. Agrarian Russia. 2021;(5):11-14. Available from: DOI: 10.30906/1999-5636-2021-5-11-14.
- Pustovit Z.V., Timoshinov R.V., Butovets E.S., Pavlov O.V. Influence of certain elements of technologies on the productivity of soybean varieties in the conditions of “Bogatyrka” Ussuriysk, Primorsky territory. Agrarnyi vestnik Primor’ya. 2021;1(21):14-18.
- Vasil’eva N.V. The influence of the yield value on reproductive functions of cows in the Primorsky region. Izvestia Orenburg State Agrarian University. 2021;2(88):266-269. Available from: DOI: 10.37670/2073-0853-2021-88-2-266-269.
- Tsoy Z.V., Vasil’eva N.V. Influence of feed additives of marine and plant origin on the productivity of laying hens in the Primorsky territory. Izvestia Orenburg State Agrarian University. 2021;2(88):284-287. Available from: DOI: 10.37670/2073-0853-2021-88-2-284-287.
- Tsoy Z.V., Vasil’eva N.V., Nikulin YU.P., Nikulina O.A. Dynamics of live weight of young chickens when using feed additives of local origin. Izvestia Orenburg State Agrarian University. 2021;2(88):287-290. Available from: DOI: 10.37670/2073-0853-2021-88-2-287-290.
- Borovaya S.А., Klykov А.G. The influence of the toxic effect of zinc and mineral starvation on the growth and development of buckwheat regenerants in vitro culture. In: Plant Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics, and Biotechnology (PlantGen2021) : The 6th Sci. Conf.; June 14-18, 2021; Novosibirsk. Novosibirsk : ICG SB RAS; 2021. Available from: DOI 10.18699/PlantGen2021-025.
- Ilyushko M.V., Romashova M.V., Guchenko S.S. Intra-callus variability of Oryza sativa androgenic doubled haploids. In: Plant Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics, and Biotechnology (PlantGen2021) : The 6th Int. Sci. Conf.; June 14-18, 2021; Novosibirsk. Novosibirsk : ICG SB RAS; 2021. Available from: DOI 10.18699/PlantGen2021-081.
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