Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Center of Agricultural Biotechnology of the Far East named after A.K. Chaiki” is one of the leading agrarian scientific research institutions in the Russian Far East.
Scientists of the Center conduct research on a wide range of topics in plant science (plant breeding, seed production, agronomy, plant protection), animal husbandry (beekeeping), natural resource management, the economy of agricultural industry, plant biotechnology.
The Federal Scientific Center named after A.K. Chaiki has been making a considerable contribution to the development of local agribusinesses. Our scientists have many years of experince in the creation of new varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops with a complex of economically important traits.
Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Center of Agricultural Biotechnology of the Far East named after A.K. Chaiki” is one of the leading agrarian scientific research institutions in the Russian Far East.
Scientists of the Center conduct research on a wide range of topics in plant science (plant breeding, seed production, agronomy, plant protection), animal husbandry (beekeeping), natural resource management, the economy of agricultural industry, plant biotechnology.
The Federal Scientific Center named after A.K. Chaiki has been making a considerable contribution to the development of local agribusinesses. Our scientists have many years of experince in the creation of new varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops with a complex of economically important traits.