The history of the scientific library is inextricably linked with the history of Federal Scientific Center of Agricultural Biotechnology of the Far East named after A.K. Chaiki and the development of the entire agricultural sphere in Primorsky krai. It was founded in 1912 and changed its name many times: the library of Ussuriysk experimental station (1912), the library of State agricultural experimental station of Primorie (1956-1975), the library of PrimSRIA (1976-2018), the library of FSC of Agricultural Biotechnology of the Far East named after A.K. Chaiki (since 2018).
Through all these years, the main goal of the library has been to provide complete informational support for research works that are conducted by scientists of the Center. In addition, the library offers its services to scientists, Ph.D. candidates, students and specialists from other agricultural institutions of Primorsky krai.
Today thecollection of the library comprises more than 60 thousand documents and books across all branches of agricultural and related sciences. The acquisition of new scientific publications is aimed at meeting scientific needs of employees of the Center. The library subscribed to more than 60 different periodicals. Library users have access to bibliography system, which includes systematic and alphabetical catalogues, the catalogue of publications from different scientific research institutions and the card catalogue of all research works that were conducted by the scientists of the Center.
Periodicals on Biology, included in the RSCI database
Periodicals on Agriculture and Forestry, included in the RSCI database
The list of peer-reviewed publications with the main research results of dissertations submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy or Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (as at 18.11.2019) (excerpt) The list of peer-reviewed publications.docx (Download)
The list of periodicals at the CORE of Russian Science Citation Index (of Russian origin)