The laboratory works on:
– creating new rice varieties for the Far Eastern zone of rice cultivation and for the production of breeder seeds;
– developing new technologies for cultivation of promising varieties to achieve their highest possible yield.
We carry out research in laboratories and greenhouses, also rice fields of FSBSI “FSC of Agricultural Biotechnology of the Far East named after A.K. Chaika” (total area = 12.45 ha) with gravity irrigation and a reservoir of 260 thousand m3 in stl. Timiryazevsky.
Methods of hybridization and biotechnology are used in the breeding process. Research is conducted to introduce rice varieties of different geographic origin to the Far Eastern zone of rice cultivation. This allows to select the most suitable sources of economically important traits for further breeding.
Our collection is enlarged with varieties from N. I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, Federal Scientific Center of Rice and Agricultural Research Center “Donskoy”. Our scientists developed new technologies for cultivation of promising rice varieties that were bred in FSBSI “FSC of Agricultural Biotechnology of the Far East named after A.K. Chaika”. These technologies are based on the biological characteristics of the rice varieties and aimed at organizing rational plant nutrition and determining optimal sowing density.
Over the years of research, 8 highly productive varieties were created and included in the State Register of Selection Achievements admitted to use in the Russian Federation: Darii 23, Priozernyi 61, Lugovoi, Rassvet, Dolinnyi, Khankaiskii 429 and Khankaiskii 52 (the latter two are the first long-grain varieties that were created in the northern Asian zone of rice cultivation), Kaskad (characterized by short stature, very early maturity and a growing period of 85 days). A new highly productive variety Almaz with short stems was sent for the State variety testing in 2016.
Annually, 20-30 tons of breeder seeds of the above-mentioned rice varieties are produced.
The laboratory collaborates with A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Federal Scientific Center of Rice, State Scientific Establishment “Agricultural Research Center “Donskoy”, Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity of FEB RAS, Far Eastern Federal University, Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology (the Republic of Kazakhstan).
Our scientists together with a research team from Pacific State Economics University participated in a grant project “New technologies of food products based on complex processing of plant raw materials of oceanic, agricultural and wild origin”.
Rice varieties Khankaiskii 52 and Lugovoi were awarded with certificates of the Presidium of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences for the best completed scientific work in 2001 and 2009, respectively. The laboratory received golden medals for the creation of rice varieties Lugovoi (2010) and Kaskad (2014) and for breeding and seed production of rice variety Rassvet (2011) on the Russian Agro-industrial exhibition “Golden Autumn”. Rice variety Dolinnyi was awarded a silver medal in 2015.
Our scientists were awarded “the Prize of academician B.A. Neunylov” by the Presidium of FEB RAS for the series of research works “Development of technologies for rice cultivation in Primorsky krai”.