In collaboration with the laboratory of field and pasture forage production and the laboratory of agrochemical analyses, we conduct study on forage sources, quality of stored forages and balanced nutrition for animals of different gender and age categories.
The laboratory carries out research and experiments in an apiary with 120 bee colonies and engages in pedigree bee breeding to produce elite queen bees.
Many years of research resulted in the creation of a new honey bee breed Dalnevostochnaya (patent No. 9428), which was included in the State Register of Selection Achievements in 2018.
FSBSI “All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Animal Husbandry” performed genetic tests on the new bee breed Dalnevostochnaya that proved its genetic isolation from other registered honey bee breeds.
We carried out research on plant-based preparations in bee feeding and their effect on economically important traits and physiological changes. The use of the Siberian Ginseng extract and leaf infusion were proved to be economically efficient. The inclusion of these preparations in bee feeding increases productivity of bees and facilitates the overwintering success and growth of bee colonies in spring. We published the guidelines on the proper preparation and use of the Siberian Ginseng extract and leaf infusion.
In collaboration with the laboratory of field and pasture forage production we developed a program for honey flow management. The main nectar source plants are white and yellow sweetclovers, whose honey productivity is 200-300 kg/ha on average, eastern galega, buckwheat and phacelia. This species composition ensures honey flow for the whole summer season. This program allows to produce not only honey, but also seeds of melliferous crops for distribution in the region.
The laboratory developed a new technology for maintenance of bee colonies in polyurethane foam hives under the conditions of Primorky krai.
We published guidelines “Technology for preparation and use of plant-based stimulating feeding for bee colonies” that were awarded a golden medal on the Russian Agro-industrial exhibition “Golden Autumn” in 2011, “Varroosis of honey bees under the conditions of Primorky krai (distribution, biology and control methods)”.
The laboratory obtained a patent on the utility model “Honey extractor” in 2015.