The department works on:
– improving technologies for the cultivation of new varieties of agricultural crops and for the restoration of soil fertility using various fertilizer management strategies;
– reducing material and labor expenses for soil management;
– differentiating implementation of weed control measures;
– optimizing rates of mineral and organic fertilizer application in soils with different nutrient levels.
A.T. Gritsun, Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences, set up a long-term stationary experiment with a nine-field rotation to study fertilizer management techniques in 1941. Nowadays the department conducts research into general agronomy. Based on many years of experiments, scientists of the department made a complex evaluation of the effect that various fertilizer management strategies produce on fertility of meadow-brown bleached soils and on yield of agricultural crops.
Researchers of the department:
– devised different plans for short-term crop rotations;
– developed models for agricultural systems that can be adapted to any given landscape in businesses with different specialization and of all ownership types;
– devised new methods for optimizing the use of soil and hydrothermal resources in agricultural landscapes;
– improved technologies for cultivation of the main crops that allow reducing expenses by 15-20% while achieving a grain crop yield of 3.0-3.5 t/ha and a soybean yield of 2.2-2.5 t/ha.
In recent years, a new improved technology was developed for the creation of a thick plow layer through deep plowing of the subsurface horizon and using sugar beet filter cake under the conditions of Primorsky krai. Our scientists investigated how desiccants affect formation of yield and quality of soybean seeds in varieties belonging to different maturity groups.
The department collaborates with the Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity of FEB RAS to study the role of microorganisms in various fertilizer management strategies. Model experiments on the use of herbicides in grain crops and soybean are carried out regularly.
The research results are presented in “The system of agriculture in Primorsky krai” and the monograph “The
scientific basis of agriculture in the Russian Far East”.
The researchers of the department are the co-authors of the following patents and breeding achievements: wheat variety Primorskaya 50, barley varieties Vostochnyi and Tikhookeanskii, buckwheat varieties Pri 10 and Primorochka, the invention “Method for protecting buckwheat against Rhinoncus Sibiricus Faust”.