The main research goal is to create new early and mid-season soybean varieties with the potential for a high yield (up to 4 t/ha) and an enhanced content of protein and oil in seeds. These varieties should also be resistant to lodging, diseases and environmental stresses.
Many years of breeding work resulted in the creation and release of 16 varieties by 2019. Ten of them were included in the State Register of Selection Achievements admitted to use in the Russian Federation: Primorskaya 13, Venera, Primorskaya 81, Primorskaya 301, Primorskaya 69, Primorskaya 4, Primorskaya 96, Primorskaya 86, Musson, Sfera.
Over the last 20 years, our researchers have solved a number of theoretical and practical issues:
– found methods for selecting parental pairs of soybean for further hybridization based on a deep agrobiological study on the starting material and the possibilities of selection in hybrid populations;
– identified donor varieties with high productivity;
– studied the patterns of heritability of soybean resistance to fungal diseases;
– modified the methods for creating artificial infection backgrounds.
New source varieties and donors of important traits are involved in the breeding process. Mathematical methods of statistics and an improved method of hybridization are used. In addition, we employ the ISSR method when selecting paternal pairs for crossbreeding.
Based on the variation in ISSR-loci of soybean samples,the laboratory determined the main genetic distances and constructed phylogenetic trees, which reflect the degree of similarity and difference among soybean varieties.
Our scientists conducted research on the influence of biologically active agents on the immunity, productivity and seed quality of soybean varieties of different maturity groups under the conditions of Primorsky krai. As part of this work, we study biologically active substances of marine and plant origin, which were obtained by scientists from G.B. Elyakov Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and can potentially affect the immune system of soybean plants.
The laboratory collaborates with many scientific institutions in Russia and abroad: G.B. Elyakov Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of FEB RAS, Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity of FEB RAS, Volga Scientific-Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Soybean, Far Eastern Scientific Research Institute of Plant Protection, Academies of Agricultural Sciences in Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces of China, Niigata University (Japan).
The laboratory provides scientific support for the cultivation of soybean varieties in agrobusinesses of various types.
We published the monographs “Soybean in the Russian Far East” and “Diseases and pests of soybean in the Russian Far East”.
The laboratory was awarded a golden medal in the main agrarian forum of Russia “Golden Autumn” for: soybean varieties Primorskaya 81 (2010), Primorskaya 4 (2013), Primorskaya 86 (2014), Musson (2016) and Sfera (2017), the monographs “Soybean in the Russian Far East” and “Diseases and pests of soybean in the Russian Far East”.
Soybean variety Primorskaya 86 was awarded a certificate for the best completed scientific work in the area of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation among young scientists and specialists of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2012.
The Laboratory was awarded “the Prize of academician A.K. Chaika” by the united scientific board of FEB RAS in Agricultural Sciences for the series of research works “The use of the method of multi-criteria analysis for the creation of new soybean varieties” in 2017.
Varieties Primorskaya 4 and Primorskaya 96 received a certificate of commendation from the Department of Agriculture of Primorsky krai for the scientific work in the area of innovative technologies.