
Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Center of Agricultural Biotechnology of the Far East named after A.K. Chaiki” (FSBSI “FSC of Agricultural Biotechnology of the Far East named after A.K. Chaiki”) announces the admission to educational programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in the postgraduate study for the 2022/2023 academic year.

The educational programs in the 2022/2023 academic year:
4.1.1. Geoponics and Plant Science;
4.1.2. Breeding, Seed Production and Biotechnology of Plants;
4.1.3. Agrochemistry, Agricultural Soil Science, Protection and Quarantine of Plants.

The rules of admission:
The rules of admission to educational programs of higher education – training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in the postgraduate study in the 2022/2023 academic year

Information on the time limits for admission to the educational programs:

a) The starting date for the submission of the documents that are required for admission to the educational programs is November 1st, 2022; the closing date is November 18th, 2022.

The lists of applicants to the educational programs is updated daily from the 1st to 18th of Novermber 2022.

b) The entrance examinations start on the 21st of November 2022 and end on the 25th of November 2022.

c) The ranked list of applicants is formed separately for each competition and updated daily from the 21st to 30th of November 2022.

d) The closing date for the submission of the original documents and the consent letter to admission to the postgraduate educational programs is November 29th, 2022.

e) The time limit for issuing an order (orders) of admission is November 30th, 2022.

The list of the documents that are required for admission to the educational programs:

  • Hand-written (hand-filled) application for admission (Application form);
  • Consent to the processing of personal data (Consent form);
  • Official document of education and qualification certifying the appropriate level of education (a specialist’s or master’s degree);
  • Official document verifying the applicant’s identity and citizenship;
  • Individual insurance account number (SNILS);
  • Official documents attesting applicant’s personal achievements that are listed in the paragraph 7.1 of the rules of admission;
  • Documentation of disability (the document is considered valid if it expires no earlier than the date when the application for admission is submitted; if the period of validity is not specified the document is considered to be valid for one year after the date when it was issued);
  • Military identity card/ conscription registration certificate.

Information on the entrance examinations for applicants with disabilities

The procedure for making and considering appeals against the results of the entrance examinations
General rules on the consideration of appeals
Regulation on the Appeal Commission

The list of personal achievements that are relevant for admission to the educational programs

The procedure for evaluating relevant personal achievements

Applicants have the right to submit their personal achievements (documents attesting academic achievements and research success) that are relevant for admission to the educational programs.

Applicants are awarded points for each personal achievement. If the sum total of points that two or more applicants earn in the competition is the same, the applicant with personal achievements will have an advantage.

Applicants submit the documents attesting personal achievements.

The list of relevant personal achievements, the documents that can attest these achievements and the number of given points are shown in the table below.

The list of relevant personal achievements

No. Personal achievement Official document attesting the personal achievement


1 2 3 4 5
1 Scientific articles in international journals indexed in Web of Science, Scopus Photocopy of the scientific article (front page, contents, article) 20 for each article
2 Scientific articles in periodicals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Photocopy of the scientific article (front page, contents, article) 10 for each article
3 Scientific articles in periodicals included in the Russian Science Citation Index database Photocopy of the scientific article (front page, contents, article) 6 for each article
4 Scientific articles in other periodicals Photocopy of the scientific article (front page, contents, article) 2 for each article
5 Participation in scientific conferences, workshops, symposiums (international) Copy of the certificate 4 for each certificate
6 Participation in scientific conferences, workshops, symposiums (All-Russian, regional) Copy of the certificate 2 for each certificate
7 International and All-Russian scientific competitions (the 1st, 2nd and 3d place) Copy of the diploma 6 for each diploma
8 Regional and other competitions (the 1st, 2nd and 3d place) Copy of the diploma 4 for each diploma
9 Intellectual property Copy of the patent or license 10 for each document
10 Participation in grants Official letter from the grantor 10 for each grant
11 Recommendation from the State Attestation Commission (SAC) for admission to the postgraduate educational programs Copy of the written record of the SAC session, which is certified by the organization, where the SAC session took place, or an extract from this record 6

The personal achievement of an applicant is considered relevant if less than three years passed from the date when the document attesting the personal achievement was issued.
The maximum number of points that an applicant can earn for their personal achievements is 100 points.
The points for personal achievements are added to the sum total of points that an applicant can earn in the competition.

The conditions of admission:

FSBSI “FSC of Agricultural Biotechnology of the Far East named after A.K. Chaiki” grants admission to the postgraduate educational programs under the following conditions after a separate competition for each complex of these conditions:
a) separately for the full-time and the part-time modes of study;
b) separately for the admission quotas and under a contract for the provision of paid educational services;
c) separately for the postgraduate aducational programs depending on their profile:
– in a scientific discipline;
– in several scientific disciplines within the groups of the scientific disciplines (in case if the admission quotas are not determined for the group of the scientific disciplines or if the admission quotas are not determined for corresponding scientific disciplines);
d) separately for the places within the targeted admission quotas and for the places within admission quotas excluding the targeted admission quotas (hereinafter referred to as the main places within the admission quotas).


The number of places within the admission quotas under different conditions of admission (without targeted admission)

Competition The list of scientific disciplines The mode of study The total number of places according to the admission quotas Including Under a contract for the provision of paid educational services
General competition Targeted admission
In a group of scientific specializations

4.1. Agronomy, forestry and water economy

4.1.1. Geoponics and Plant Science

4.1.2. Breeding, Seed Production and Biotechnology of Plants

4.1.3. Agrochemistry, Agricultural Soil Science, Protection and Quarantine of Plants

Full-time 5 0
In a scientific specialization 4.1.1. Geoponics and Plant Science
4.1.2. Breeding, Seed Production and Biotechnology of Plants

The list of the entrance examinations with the following data for each examination: 

  • the name of the entrance examination;
  • maximum score;
  • minimum score;
  • the priority of each entrance examination;
  • the type, language and program of the entrance examination;
  • the information on the mode of the entrance examination.
Competition The mode of EE The name of EE The priotity of EE Maximum score Minimum score The type of EE Language The program of EE
In a group of scientific specializations

4.1. Agronomy, forestry and water economy

In person Special discipline 1 100 60 Oral exam Russian Download
Motivational essay 2 100 60 Written exam Download
In a scientific specialization

4.1.1. Geoponics and Plant Science

In person Special discipline 1 100 60  Oral exam  Russian Download
Motivational essay 2 100 60  Written exam Download
In a scientific specialization

4.1.2. Breeding, Seed Production and Biotechnology of Plants

In person Special discipline 1 100 60  Oral exam  Russian Download
Motivational essay 2 100 60 Written exam Download

The rules on the remote entrance examinations

Information on the submission of the electronic copies of the documents that are required for admission to the educational programs

The electronic copies of the documents that are required for admission to the educational programs can be submitted via the electronic educational environment of FSBSI “FSC of Agricultural Biotechnology of the Far East named after A.K. Chaiki”.

Learn how to submit an application for admission to the postgraduate educational programs in 2022 via the electronic educational environment of FSBSI “FSC of Agricultural Biotechnology of the Far East named after A.K. Chaiki”

The list of the documents to be submitted:

  • Scanned copy of the hand-written (hand-filled) application for admission (Application form);
  • Consent to the processing of personal data (Consent form);
  • Scanned copy of the official document of education and qualification certifying the appropriate level of education (a specialist’s or master’s degree);
  • Scanned copy of the official document verifying the applicant’s identity and citizenship;
  • Scanned copy of the individual insurance account number (SNILS);
  • Scanned copies of the official documents attesting applicant’s personal achievements that are listed in the paragraph 7.1 of the rules of admission;
  • Scanned copy of the documentation of disability (the document is considered valid if it expires no earlier than the date when the application for admission is submitted; if the period of validity is not specified the document is considered to be valid for one year after the date when it was issued);
  • Scanned copy of the military identity card/ conscription registration certificate.

The certification of the copies is not required.

Required file format:
– JPG or PDF

Information on the ways to submit the documents

Office Address Phone number Working hours
The department of postgraduate studies Russia, Primorsky krai, Ussuriysk, stl. Timiryazevsky, Volozhenina st., b. 30, office No. 204 89147277934 Mon. 9:00 – 13:00

Tue.- Fri. 9:00 – 12:30


The documents can be sent through public postal operators:

The address of the recipient: 692539, Russia, Primorsky krai, Ussurysk, stl. Timiryazevsky, Volozhenina st., b. 30, FSBSI “FSC of Agricultural Biotechnology of the Far East named after A.K. Chaiki”, the Department of Postgraduate Studies

Electronic copies of the documents can be submitted via e-mail:

The email address of the recipient:

Information on the possibility to submit the documents using the superservice “Admission to University online” through the Public Services Portal of the Russian Federation:

The documents can not be currently submitted using the superservice “Admission to University online”.

An exemplar of the contract for the provision of paid educational services:

There is currently no admission to educational programs under a contract for the provision of paid educational services in FSBSI “FSC of Agricultural Biotechnology of the Far East named after A.K. Chaiki”.

Information on dormitories:

There are no available rooms in the dormitories.